

I used to wear depression like a badge

The bags under my eyes were designer 

Designed by Sleepless nights and restless days

Hunched shoulders showing

 how much of the world I was carrying 

Blurry eyes and fuzzy mind

 accessories to my 

trauma meets humor 


A personality 

I didn’t even realize I had

So drowned in misery 

My days were blurred 

Blending into grey and black and blue days 

Mixing into the water color painting of my life

Shades bleeding into each other

Until all you see is varying colors

Mixed into one

Until someone splashed a little yellow 

On my canvas life 

It blended into the blues 

Creating a serenity of green. 


Peacefully I started to blend

No plan in mind 

No clue where this may lead 

Black shadows somehow lightened

Soon my blues were greens

 and my greys faded pink 

like a sunset blending in

And I 

I began to see light