
The Beat๐ŸŽถ of life ๐Ÿ––๐Ÿป

The night is still, the stars are bright,

A symphony of twinkles, shining oh so right,

A cool breeze dances, through the trees,

A gentle whisper, a song for me to please.

I walk alone, beneath the moon\'s soft glow,

With each step, my heart starts to grow,

A rhythm starts to form, a beat so strong,

A song of life, where I belong.

The rhythm of my soul, a beat so true,

A reminder that my journey, is just for me and you,

For we are all connected, by a universal beat,

A song that unites us, and sets our feet.

So let the rhythm guide you, through the night,

With each step, you\'ll see a new light,

And when you find your rhythm, you\'ll find your way,

With a beat that\'s yours, to lead you each day.