
To A Place Of Happiness.

There we were, the four of us,

Two couples of a certain age

Walking onto the croquet lawn

To play this game we loved.


We each hit our balls

Towards the hoops,

Or to knock each other’s balls

Away from the hoop.


As we went round the lawn

We spoke of many things,

We laughed at many things,

As we tried to win the game.


One game was over

So we sat and drank coffee,

Talking of life around us,

Our lives being so long.


We then played another game,

A game that the other pair one.

We had each won a game

On this fine afternoon.


We finished playing,

And as we walked to our cars

We knew we had had a good time.

Our lives so different in the past

But we now we were friends,

Had become very good friends.

This had been reinforced,

Reinforced on this afternoon

Where talking, laughter and banter

Had brought us all into a place,

A place filled with happiness.