Paper Wasps

What was that! Paper Wasps.

I love to live in harmony with nature, but this will never do.

Those Agro Wasps have set up camp, it\'s either me or you.

Now I am not a brave man and don\'t delight in killing anything,

But these buggers have to go because man they can sting.

With overalls, hat and glasses on, I sneak up on the foe,

The breeze is up and I\'m shit scared, but I have to have a go.

As I get close, I don\'t know why, I get my feet tangled in the cord,

I know there is no turning back, well at least I am not bored!

Conditions are right, winds from behind as I sneak up on the foe.

With shaking hands I apply the flame, sorry you have to go. 

It looks to me like dozens streaming from the nest,

The battles on but their no match, this LPG is the best.

Then one appears from nowhere, now I\'m in a fight.

I back up quickly shouting F-OFF waving the flame from left to right.

Safely back now in the shed I hope I got them all,

or have I just made an enemy, I didn\'t want to go to war.