
Dark or night





…..Dark is a spiritual realm, night is earthly and explainable by science, only deep meditation can penetrate the dark, there’s an ark, another spark, I thought I was in the park, there was a breeze, I heard someone sneeze, please don’t let this be a tease, I pause with ease, tilt my head forty degrees and say cheese in a picture that captures me and all of creations, and every voodoo incantation, with no hesitation, I place my five fingers in the air and step into another dream state,  this one’s a nightmare, I dare you to come off your square and follow me in here, you’ll windup like Linda Blair, the Vatican is too scared to care. I’m here, and they’ve been waiting, with very little patience, they need to stop faking, all of creations is about to start taking, that’s why the earth been shaking, and baking, got light skinned peoples skin flaking.