

Happy Nursery 积木


He made a pipe and tap out of the toy juggles

delighted in everyone washing hands again and again

And later it was transformed into a vacuum cleaner

So the floor was mowed round and round tirelessly

She made a hammer with the building blocks

And hammered for hours all the pieces into a castle

Almost taller than herself, a skyscraper indoors

When we played birdy eats worms!

Every finger stuck out for me to peck

On and on, non-stop, and never enough

How could I call this joy to a stop  

To shout:“Stop! Time to study!


Primary IC


I cannot help letting them loose

Chase and scream wild as they choose

unwilling to discipline and make servile

The fresh kids into dummies dull and docile


Grade 5


He jumped on the board Over the gutter

Spitting the sewage water in a pool

onto his pals behind him in splutter

And ran laughing mischievously

A rare naughty mischief

Before going on to rigid high school



---to suicided胡鑫宇


If your house is on fire

Escape if you cannot put it out

Youll have a clear life to set about

If your town is flooded

Flow down if you cant climb high

Youre bound to land somewhere before die

There would be a lot on the road to traverse

And a full life, versed more diverse

Why take the short cut

If not the glee in ski

Or the free style in swimming pool

Life is not just home or school

If you cant be a king of kings

Why not get away a vagabond 

Things are never that bad, and still

At least you have your free will