
Death by freedoms





…….it has mankind confused from here to eden, unless there’s peace, you need weapons to feed it, sure makes things hectic, now we need some backwards philosophy to erect it, that’s what recked it, freedom ain’t been defined right, got people thinking walking around butt ass naked is alright, or because of other peoples actions it can’t exist without some other fractions, like walls and weapons, civilization has been neglected, it’s time the supreme being checked in, citizens need chips in their necks and, I won’t contest it. Americans take pride in their freedoms, but rather its right or wrong is a second thought, that’s how we got brought, every year thousands windup in court thinking they understood the sport, it can’t just mean doing what you thought, or just doing what’s right, cause we far from perfect; and that’s right,.. maybe freedom is an attempt to do right while we short circuit, yeah that sounds about right, and into the night, where our spirit takes flight.