
Securely Sustained

Tune: Slane

(\'Be thou my vision\')

Adapted from \'A prayer to the Holy Trinity\'

by St Basil The Great, 330-379AD


As I rise from sleep I thank you, Trinity

Holy, of three Persons you ever shall be

Father, Son, and Spirit, through your great goodness

And patience you not angry with me, true this


Though an idler, sinner, you have not destroyed

Me in my sins, but in your love have employed

Me, faithful and usual, your love to mankind

When prostrate in despair, mercies I did find


You raised me to keep the morning watch again

And to glorify your power shown to men

Enlighten my mind\'s eyes and my mouth open

To study, understand your commandment then


And to do your will, and sing to you heartfelt

Adoration, distractions away now melt

Praising your most holy name, Father, and Son

And Holy Spirit e\'er, while all ages run