Kinsey Peterson


I was at a competition.

Most difficult one yet-

and the news came through


two dead

one in critical condition


now I\'m watching a bug crawl on the walls

and i feel its eyes on us


my speech was- is about a woman whos mom died

and now i know the pain

not word for word

but close enough to feel my chest ripped open


it was all seniors




no it was juniors




the words kept changing

one too many times to process

was it him

or was it him


friend or friend

which do you hope for


don\'t falter 

don\'t let your team down

it\'s sad but you have a competition


and despite it all


a finalist


when you come home put on your dress

there\'s a dance

nevermind it\'s cancelled

invite your friends over




something fun

as looney tunes plays over and over

as blue planet depicts the whales


and your lonely bones ache

and the pain fades

because you\'ll never see them again

and there\'s nothing you can do.