Billy Birch

Poem to my kids.

My dear son, I want to apologize,

For all the death you\'ve had to see.

It\'s not fair that one so young,

Should have to face this tragedy.


But know that I am here for you,

To hold your hand and wipe away your tears.

I\'ll be your rock, your source of strength,

To help you face your deepest fears.


I\'m sorry for the loved ones lost,

And for the pain that you must bear.

But in their memories, they\'ll always live,

And in your heart, they\'ll always be there.


So hold your head up high, my son,

And know that you are loved and brave.

Together, we\'ll face this sadness,

And in time, find joy and peace to save.


I\'m here for you, through thick and thin,

To be your guide and constant friend.

I love you more than words can say,

My dear son, now until the very end.


Sincerely your Dad Billy Dwayne Birch