
Fiery Ribbons of Passion

The thread

Which was so small

So insignificant seeming

Tugs sharply

Twisting my heart and emotions

Suddenly a whirlwind

Of vibrant




A world I had yet to know

Felt not ready to see

Is revealed

A deep feeling

I fear to name appears

I shove it in a corner

I box it up

Label it scraps

Hoping it will disappear

Vanish like

Thin tendrils of smoke

Leaving me to continue on

For that is what happened

So many times before

I will, will it again

It will happen

I am sure of it


Then it doesn’t 

It persists

Invading my thoughts

Cotton candy and candied hearts


Fill my brain

It is difficult to focus

But with the confections

Also come the 


Of stitches of 

Cold steel

Trickling of red

Splitting of heart

But there is

Still the hope

Of having something

Of obtaining this

This fiery ribbon

That makes hearts pound

Makes palms sweat

Makes eyes flit like

Sun-kissed butterflies

That fill the stomach

Gentle brushes

That cause

Red and pink to spread

Electricity to strike

Having the knowledge

That this jewel

Is precious


Seems to know no pain

Isn’t the typical

But it makes it shine

More brightly

More sweetly

It captures my attention

And holds it

As nothing ever has before

I drift towards and away

Some days

I want to reach and caress

Others I want to run away

Never having to deal with these

Pieces of silky fabric

Hoping to avoid them

But they burst


You cannot hide

Cannot escape

I am a thread

Of Passion

Of Something More

Many fear me

But many adore me

What shall you choose?

Shall you fear me?

Or will you adore?

The decision lies within

It comes not

From others words

Or decisions

But rather from

What courage you have

If you’re willing to jump

To dance

To fall

To lose yourself in

There is the very real possibility of pain

But there is also healing from that pain

It opens many doors

Doors of joy

Of colors

Of a kaleidoscope

You cannot comprehend until

You’ve seen it

Felt it

Tasted it

Learned to give some trust

To it

It may blind and 


But it will eventually

Take you to where

You need to be

It might not appear

As you want it

Or you think you want

May not give you

What you feel you deserve

But rather what you need

What you can take

At times

Even what you can’t accept

It will shower you

Adore you

Yes it may cut

Be brutal

Bring you to your knees

Rip your chest open

But it will also be there

To sew together

To glow and heal

To gently stroke and hold

To heal

So, really

It’s up to you

Will you?

Could you?

Have the courage

To be revealed to a world

Some adore

Some loath

Some fight for

Some die for

Can you muster the courage?

To do something

Everyone does

At a point or another








Fall into something unpredictable

Something that is not seen nor heard

Something that cannot be measured

Something that makes people 

Do crazy and unexplainable things?

Do you have the courage to

Fall in Love?