
The Death of Joy

The world\'s a machine, a relentless beast,
A place of pain and misery, where joy\'s deceased,
Trapped in an endless cycle, day by day,
Life consumed, fading slowly, with nothing left to say.

We toil and sweat, our souls consumed,
In a never-ending cycle, our spirits doomed,
The weight of the world upon our backs,
Caught in a cycle that never relax.

Our dreams are lost, buried and forgotten,
The machine takes over, leaving us broken,
No time to breathe, to feel, to live,
Our lives consumed, nothing left to give.

The world turns dark, no glimmer of light,
As we\'re consumed by the never-ending fight,
A life spent working, a life spent in vain,
Our passions lost, swallowed by the pain.

The death of joy, a world without hope,
Where we struggle and suffer just to cope,
Trapped in a cycle that never ends,
Our lives consumed by the machine that bends.

Let us weep for a life consumed,
Trapped in a cycle with no hope to exhume,
Our hearts heavy, our spirits frail,
In a world that\'s lost, where joy\'s gone stale.