Sakwa Franc

A small Sin

Deep into these dark end time ages

When everyone seems to be confused

To the selected family of God Christians

Who assuage gossips among brethrens

But open scriptures for hell to homosexuals


Tasteless! Tasteless! The salt is tasteless

Shouting on the pulpits is not anointing sometimes it\'s annoying

Where is your light to shine on this generation?

When you\'re okay with small sins

Jaws of pornography are eating up our generation 


Who has given devil a chance

When scriptures are twisted with lying lips

Money are looted from orphanage as tithes

This is a small Sin

White garments of saints are soiled


It\'s Spirit against flesh and flesh against spirit

Spirit gives life but flesh counts nothing

Which side are you?

The war is not against flesh but against all principalities

Against all powers of darkness and evil forces


All are sinners who have fallen short of God\'s grace

But why do you design hell and heavens among you?

Sin is sin and the wrath of God will be revealed

To homosexuals and lying \"Christian\'s\" all alike to be judged

But why die in ignorance when Jesus Christ sets free?


Darkness! Darkness! When lights are off

A cruel blade of fornication devours the saints

Watchers are a sleep enemies gains entrance

Just a little time everything  will be shaken

Check your foundation and strengthen your feet


There is still hope and light of peace

For God is pure Love

Why be enslaved by sin?

Call on the name of Jesus Christ

Arise! Arise! And shine.