


From the ashes

Arose a girl

Not quite known

She has a spine of steel

A look that can kill

She’s done with the pettiness

And the games

She won’t play

She’s tired of being taken

Advantage of

Being told what to do

Who she is

What she wants

Her tongue gets coated

In quicksilver

She’s not quite sure she recognizes

The mirror

But that’s no matter

Because one thing is for sure

She’s done being her

The girl who kissed the ground people walked on

Who tried her hardest to please

Who would drop down for you

Onto her knees

No, that girl can no longer be

Survival is what that girl was used for

But I am done surviving

I want to live

To be happy

I am done hiding behind pain

And kindness

Thinking it can keep me safe

Thinking that if I give enough

People will stick around

Well if you can’t handle me

If you don’t want me

You\'re not worth pleasing or having around

She’s done feeling lost 

Done feeling like shes not enough

She’s found her worth


You\'re words and inaction

I will no longer let hurt

Take a long look at the pictures you have

Because that’s the last time you’ll have seen that girl

For when we speak again

It will not be a meek docile girl you find

But a young woman

With a spine of steel

A heart encased in armor

Still soft and loving though

Forgiving but not allowing of repetition

Loving but also going after what she deserves

She knows what she wants

She knows what she needs

She was just too scared

Too hesitant

But no longer will she wait

For people to strike the match

Because in her burns a flame

Hotter than the sauna of the underworld

A flame so piercingly bright

Her eyes are aglow

Watch out doubters 




Because now


I know

Who I am

What I want

What I deserve

I may get lost

But will not stay perturbed

I am so sick of this 

I’ve put myself through

But most of all

I’m sick of you

Fear you will no longer

Rule  me

If people want to leave


Let them

They clearly aren’t worth it

If they don’t want to work for me

Love me 

Cherish me

Then goodbye

For I no longer have time

I am becoming

What I want

What I know I am

This fire

Shall never be put out again

So watch out

This is a final warning

For those who thought they could keep


Here comes a phoenix

Rising from my ashes

I’m done being told

All these lies


For you have never been able to reach inside

Of who I am

To that flickering flame

And now it burns

Oh, it burns

So very bright

So watch out because now 

I shall own the night

My wings are fanned

My eyes aglow

I hope you said goodbye

Because I am no longer

The hurt girl you’ve known

No, now I must make a dramatic

Scene so you can learn

I’ll still be a team

But not a pushover mind you

I know who I am and 

What I’ve come to do

I feel the roaring flames

Like a cold distant wind

They are calling and I’m done

Ignoring them

They tell me



Worth it






So if you think I have to have you

You are wrong

But I think you’ve known it all along

Now it’s time for me to leave the shadows

The pain I’ve crutched on for so long

Now it is time I sing my song

Like a phoenix rising

I will become