
A Future In Ashes

Time spins by, the world moves fast

But humanity\'s addiction to pleasure will be its last

We yearn and ache for what\'s quick and light

Leaving values and morals far from sight


In this world of instant pleasure and desire

We\'ve lost the beauty of patience, setting fire

To the essence of life, replacing it with lust

A life that\'s empty, hollow, and unjust


We scroll and swipe, consume and devour

Ignoring the world\'s screams, minute by hour

We take what we want, leaving ruin in our wake

Leaving the world behind, for our own sake


The seas surge, the forests disappear

As we indulge in our every whim and fear

Our greed has led us to a future so bleak

A world in turmoil, a disastrous mystique


Our cities are hazy with grime and noise

Our water\'s toxic, our air devoid of poise

Our soil\'s corroded, our world\'s dying

All due to our hunger, forever unsatisfying


Our world is dying, and we\'re the cause

But we march on, with no thought or pause

The future looks grim, with no hope in sight

As we drown in our own self-destructive light


We\'ll be left with ruins of our selfish desire

A world in chaos, with no one to admire

A life without meaning, a world without hope

A dark future in ashes, a fate we can\'t cope


We\'ll look back on what we\'ve done, with regret and sorrow

As the darkness engulfs us, no tomorrow

Our choices have led us to a world undone

A life of despair, a fate we can\'t outrun


The world will keep moving, long after we depart

But it\'ll bear the scars of our selfish art

A planet in turmoil, writhing in pain

A legacy of destruction, our selfish gain


A future in ashes is what we\'ll leave behind

Our addiction to pleasure has made us blind

To a world that\'s lost, a life that\'s trite

A fate that\'s doomed, with no more light.