
The Depths of the Ocean

Beneath the surface of the sea,
Where light can never hope to be,
Lies secrets deep and mysteries old,
In hidden depths, untold.

The darkness is a velvet cloak,
That wraps around the creatures, woke,
To swim in silence, without sound,
In wonder and in awe, profound.

Whispers of the ocean’s song,
Lullaby for those that long,
To dive into its salty deep,
And find treasures they can keep.

For in the sea, there’s life and death,
A dance that takes away our breath,
And in its depths, we can explore,
The world we’ve never seen before.

The waves above, they rise and fall,
As do our fears, both big and small,
But in the ocean’s calming flow,
Our souls find solace and they grow.

So let us venture out to sea,
Embrace its depth, its mystery,
For in the waves that ebb and flow,
We find our true selves, and we grow.