
An Autumn\'s Farewell

Raindrops fall atop my head.
How quick they descend from the heavens,
Then cease to exist.
The golden leaves rustle a bitter aubade;
One stolen from my lips
As I bid you goodbye and left.
Yet your warmth --- it had not left
As it tugged on my skin
Through the chilly Autumn wind.
The amber leaves tear and slip away
Into a land where no one even knows your name.
How graceful,
How elegant,
They fly and sway;
Before their downfall,
Before their decay.
If my arms could outstretch
If height could compensate helplessness
I would reach for the only reminiscent
Of a life I once saw
Framed with rosemary and lilacs,
Before the wind steals them away
Into a place where your warmth
Can no longer keep them safe.