I Am American
I used to wonder what it meant to be an American.
I used to think I wasn’t American because of how I looked.
I used to think I wasn’t fit to be American because of how I sound.
I used to think I wasn’t American because the people told me so.
I used to think I wasn’t American at all because I was different from everyone. I compared myself to an American because they seemed better than me.
I used to think that I was not equal to American people because I was from elsewhere.
I felt their eyes judging me, I heard them talk about me, I saw them hurt me.
I didn’t feel like an American.
‘Is this what it means to an American?’ I thought to myself. ‘Do people hurt each other? Did they insult one another? Did they judge one another?’
I questioned myself every day. Everyday I wondered whether or not I was American.
I tried, I tried to fit in but I knew I couldn’t. I couldn’t be American because I wasn’t like them. I wasn’t American because I speak another language from them.
All my life I questioned myself. I questioned the things they did.
But then I realized that even if I’m different from the rest of them
I’m still American.
I don’t care what they say, I don’t care what they think, I don’t care if they judge.
I Don’t Care.
Because even if I’m different, I’m still American.
I Am American.