Madeleine Gauche

Bundling together

Not allowing we are

intruders into that special space

we call ours,


something we protect

mightily we guard, as

this for us is where


the wonder the pip brought -


the seed falling

into the ground


becoming the tree -


brings forth the lemons

taking on form

each one to their own


so special they are

dripping yellow reminding us

of really big drops of sun


brightly hanging from green branches, heavy in weight

due to ripeness


and together we both see

the image,

lush words


resulting from

that very moment

when divinely the seed fell


and with it day breaks

the eastern sky scattering full of

fleecy pieces of cloud


as if little sheep

bundling together they herd

calling each the other by name


with a level of familiarity

we imagine

touching our souls


to which involuntarily

in unison we smile

one cannot not, I say, smile


as so sweet they are

bundling together

little groups, words


sticking together

like best friends

in that special space


they call their own

like we call ours when spilling

the lemons from the basket



in abundant fullness

like a fountain full of joy


filling that special space

we call ours

with bright yellow ripe lemons


while having eyes for only

calling each the other by name

so sweet, the little words

bundling together