

Her eyes, perfect.

Her smile, perfect.


She loved her children, truly.

But her children, did they? truly?


During the darkest hours of the night,

They all gathered, creating memories.


Mother, pouring out her heart

Children, lost in her perfection


Every word she murmured

became harder to hold on to

behind that perfect smile


Every point she tried to make

got lost in the night

with those perfect eyes


Mother exhausted

laid down next to her children


Children excited

welcomed Mother 


The moon just came in sight

It was the perfect night


Mother said to one:

“Do you remember child what was just spoken?”


Children smiled, including that one.


Mother, now holding the child’s hand,

repeated with a deeper and scarier voice:

“Child, do you remember the six numbers spoken to you?”


“The numbers of Ezekiel”

“The sacred numbers”


The child tried hard to remember,

whispering slowly the numbers 365 782


Mother, squeezed the child hand 

harder, harder, and harder


Mother became furious


Her eyes, grew bigger

Her smile, gone forever


“Child, do you even love me?” said Mother

Confused, the child stayed silent


Mother continued:

“I’ve tried, again, again, and again but nothing is working. How could you? Why are you not remembering the sacred numbers spoken to you.”


Mother continued on her rant

Child couldn’t make sense of anything she was saying


Her horns could now be seen

Her nails grew longer

Her tail waving uncontrollably 

Her wings fapping with the wind


The child tried to make a run for it

But mother was holding too hard


The child, unexpectedly, jumped out of the window, dragging mother along


Unwillingly, their hands, no longer binding


Following the flow of gravity, the child thought it would be better to die than to be hurt by mother, someone the child admired


Mother could fly, but the child was too young and couldn’t.


Right before the child could hit the ground, mother grabbed the child and flew back to the tower


After all,

she was mother

and that child, hers.


That night? One to remember.