
Midnight in the Garden

Delicate wisps of white silk swirl

twirl around the dance of feet

the pitter-patter down the cobblestone street

To escape the castle of gloom

and be among the midnight blooms

Hide underneath the willow tree

Rest in its protection from your flee

of suffocation and stagnation

to elation

Your lungs as they breathe in

The crisp dewy droplets of air

Mingling with rose and freesia as if in affair

As you come to the entrance of vines

the bronze weathered door gives a creak

stepping inside, your inhibitions grow weak

Run, dance, jump, and skip

pick the petals, careful not to rip

Does this garden love me? Does it love me not?

A distant giggle, behind a mushroom a wiggle

Of a lightening bug a-glow

The seed in your heart begins to grow

Its roots planting firmly in the soil

connecting you to this enchanted place

But you absolutely must make haste

as you have basked in the magic too long

and must out-run the orange blaze of the sun

Until the next midnight in the garden