

It\'s strange, I wake every morning wondering if it\'s all fake, they\'re telling me it\'ll be fine, it\'s just a phase, dosen\'t feel like a phase.


Mind is running a million miles an hour, can\'t seem to hit the brakes, so i just break out in a fit of rage, and everyone wants me back in the cage, wich is where i was brought all my pain, now im fighting the urge to fuck shit up and its driving me insane.


Tomorrow will probably be the same, except the horror grows every day and from this point on i dont care what i say, now stay calm, keep testing me and i\'ll show you a new meaning to reading a palm, i promise you\'re not outside of harm.


I\'ve drawn so many lines, put up far to many walls, only one person managed breach and break through, the only person to reach a hand and teach me the purpose of life, to have a life with purpose.


Chased away the madness, a heart of gold, kindness like no other, like in the fairy tales of old, she never gave me the option to fold