Blue sunsets

Stephen King once said, the scariest moment is always, just before you start,

Like Yuri hearing rumbles from the rocket, Voskot 1, in its great depart,

From the troposphere to the exosphere, earth’s deepest secrets have been explored,

Since the beginning, we have dreamt, about the mysteries of space we’ve adored.


The home of the gods has inspired and challenged us, almost daring us to be bold,

Such wonders of each planet and who knows what surprises have yet to unfold?,

Only our minds can confine us so remember, living is easy with eyes closed,

The most beautiful stories always start with wreckage, it’s where magic’s exposed.


Go pick up a book, because a reader lives a thousand lives before he dies,

Ideas are cheap, it’s only what you do with them that counts, be brave and rise!,

Creating a world from words is prodigious, in ways that you can’t comprehend,

Writers share the deepest parts of themselves, they lay all bare, hoping to transcend.


The man who had no imagination has no wings, so cling to it and fly!,

Inspiration floats in the air, we have to be relentless and learn to try,

You can watch electrically charged particles turn to light in their descent,

See, in order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present.


We watch hydrogen and helium churn and collide, giving us light and heat,

We desperately search for other planets, terrified of our own defeat,

From the hexagonal-shaped storm on Saturn and its whimsical yin-yang moon,

To earth’s dreamlike Van Allen belts and famous manoeuvres like the perilune.


Mars is there waiting to be reached! So be audacious and don’t let your dreams slide,

The big blue ice ball, Uranus, has 27 twenty-seven moons and spins on its side,

Like science, good books don’t give up all their secrets at once, redefine your mind,

The imagination is essential, ideas need to mined and combined.


From Shakespeare to Danya Kukafka, many have influenced the written word,

Writing is easy, all you have to do is cross out all the wrong words, and be heard!,

Many forms of writing exist for us to share our minds, to learn and connect,

And it’s within our writings we can strive to mend society’s disconnect.


From awe-inspiring horror that gives you goosebumps and leaves you captivated,

To heart-warming stories which provide a sense of hope, that’s been long awaited,

The earth has music for those who listen, no matter the distance we may roam,

With so many planets we could call home, just waiting in their goldilocks zone.


Out of the mountain of despair, a stone of hope, so live, laugh, with no regrets,

Such beauty awaits us, from planet eating black holes, to flawless blue sunsets,

Every time we conquer space and every time we show grace, ourselves we define,

Strive for greatness, because, it’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.
