
The difference between you and me

I walk past you and stare,

not only at you but at your friends, 

not only at your friends but your acquaintances.

not only does the world see this but they judge.

You walk past and stare.

not only at me but at my friends.

not only at my friends but my acquaintances,

not only does the world see this but they don\'t judge.

that\'s the difference between you and me, 

you can do it but I cannot.

I try and succeed and so do you

yet only you are seen.

You can and I can\'t.

But it\'s not you who makes these decisions, it\'s society.

Yet you go along with it. 

You don\'t try and fix it, you sit and watch. 

but there\'s the difference between you and me,

I try and you don\'t.

Yet you succeed and I don\'t.