Mara \"Marzipan\"

I Matter, To Me

It started with a scent, a touch, from him,
Something once loved, now causes fear deep within.

The wrong joke, look or word said,
Would cause him to see red.

Screaming, shouting, pushing, shoving,
Abusive words and bloodied fists replaced all the loving.

Caressing fingers, now clench a throat fighting for air,
Blood running into eyes, blurring the horrified stare.

As the world grows dark and consciousness fades,
Suddenly, I snap back and hopelessness cascades.

Crushing the terrified soul of the beaten one,
That this nightmare is not quite done.

Broken, bloodied, bruised, and battered,
A soul that feels lost, alone, and shattered.

Then one day a voice screams from within,
You\'ve survived this far! NOW, get away from him!

Taking a chance, darting out the door,
Running for a life so he can\'t hurt it anymore.

Never again will I let a man think he can beat me into submission,
I\'ve learned I matter, TO ME, and no one can take that, not even him.