Bishop M.

Ride of a Lifetime

Standing in line for the ride Vita

I\'ve been waiting months to get on this ride

It\'s finally my turn


Making sure my buckle\'s belt as there have been accidents where people weren\'t strapped in well and they fly out during the ride and their ride ends


It\'s exhilarating when the wind brushes on your face when you feel like the whole world is flashing by in an instant. When you\'re on the ride it feels like it is going in slow motion but in reality it just flies by so fast. 


You should try the ride it starts off Slow but once you hit the 18-second mark it takes off and does loops and twirls and you go backwards at some points there\'s huge cliffs and nose dives to where you think you\'re about to hit the floor


Hands up, wind rushing against your face going 100 miles per hour the sudden feeling of going upward makes gravity hit hard like you cant move and once you get to the top it\'s like you can do anything.


The loops can throw you around, it\'s sudden and makes some people nauseous but it was worth it, it was like seeing the world from upside down and the blood rushes to your head but as a thrill seeker it\'s perfect for the adrenaline rush.


But all good rides have to come to an end and as it slowly comes to a complete stop everything I just witnessed was worth the wait.