

Stares follow her

Who is that girl 

Eyes of blue flame

Steel spine

She is not the docile girl they knew

There is a fire in her soul

That is just beginning to share it\'s heat

Some are warmed by it

Others feel burned

Her concern is no longer other people

She has shoved herself on the back burner

For far too long

The world isn\'t sure

If it\'s ready

But the girl has not a care

Because the world never 


For her to be ready

Now did it?

She has found that spark

She may not be completely sure

Of who she is

But there are a few things she knows


She is worth it


She is determined and kind


She is hardworking and stubborn


She feels everything deeply and is passionate

She is strong and resilient


She is smart


Has wisdom


Is very forgiving


Silly and fun






She is done being told how 

To live her life

Who to live it with

How she should act

How she should talk

This is her

If you have a problem

You can figure it out

For years

The girl held her tongue

Clamped her lips shut tight

Bottled her anger

She\'s done

She will not be dictated

She will not be belittled



She has an army at her disposal

She roars 

What do you have

What do you possibly think you can do

To hurt me

Worse than I have already hurt myself

While this skin look satin soft

While she wears her heart on her sleeve

Her words are honey doused in sugar

She was forged in fire and flame

Doused in the iciest water

Shaped with the crudest tools

So do not for one second

Think her weak

She is far from it

Instead of letting

Her trials and failures

Harden her skin

Sharpen her words

She formed a different way

Opened her heart

Softened her heart and skin

Sharpened her mind

What looks like naiveness and foolishness

Is actually something

That\'s been crafted for years

Whatever shards you want to throw her way

She\'s already seen before

So before you pretend to know her

Before you pretend to understand

Take a step back

And really look

Is she actually 


Or just growing and honing her mind

Is she actually a push over and too kind

Or loving and doing her best to prevent being someone\'s angel of death

You think she is too much

But that is because you have not seen

The things she has




The way she has

She views life through a kaleidoscope

Instead just a one view scope

So don\'t you dare tell her

She doesn\'t know 

Or understand

Because she does

Probably more than you do

She knows she has a purpose here

She is going to fulfill it

If you get in her way

You\'ll be sorry

She\'s done playing nicey nice

The lion has been awakened

It is starving

It just might bite you

She knows she is more

Than people can see

More than they can comprehend


She understands

There is still more

For her to 



So she will not act high and mighty

For she is not

True leaders

Know they are not the final word

Or the best

They accept that sometimes

They fail and are wrong

But instead of tucking tail

They shoulder on

The world does not stop because you make a bad move

She knows this

The world throws curveballs

Life keeps happening

She knows this

Her blue eyes hold wisdom and a galaxy

Only few can spot

But her main message is

Kindness is not weakness

Holding her tongue is not her saying it\'s okay

It\'s her keeping the peace

Being the bigger person

She doesn\'t understand why

People don\'t see this

That fighting fire with fire

Only results in a bigger inferno

Maybe someday they will see

She may have tried to give up once before she understood

But never again

She has too much to do

Too much to experience

She is here to stay





And by heavens

You better stay out of her way