Insanely Hilarious

Life Manual

I wish there was a life manual, one that told us what was right and wrong.
I wish its instructions were in a language I understand,
not Arabic or Latin or whichever other slang.
I hope it could tell me what I want to do, and I hope the words wouldn\'t be too long.
I wish someone told me where I should go when I reach a fork,
Show me the path to my future, teach me seven different ways to talk.
I wish someone enlightened me on the art of horseback riding, 
Sang to me stories, on days when I felt like hiding. 
I wish someone recited poetry, wrote me letters and ideas,
Taught me life lessons, stored ashes of the bridges I burnt.
I wish they could explain why everyone understands what I don\'t.
Why, even after everything, the world still feels unknown. 
Fortunately or unfortunately, there\'s no manual, guide or tour,
There\'s no trailer, there\'s no teaser, there\'s no warning to be told.
We all stumble through, trying to make it work, doing what we want, 
There\'s no magic wand, no guardian angels, just our bodies and minds trying to be bold. 
We hold the reins, we have control, of at least a section, 
So, when we do what we want, even just a fraction,
When we cross of an adventure off our bucket list,
Know that there are wistful sighs wishing to be you. 
So, when you\'re stressed, close your eyes, 
Breathe in and breathe out. 
Because even though there\'s darkness you see,
There\'s no world worth living in if it isn\'t a world that\'s yours.