
Michael Jackson



……what’s happening if it ain’t Michael Jackson, you can start clapping; he been song Ben when he was a child, thank god we have his best work on file, third world countries was exposed to his style, left dazed, crazed and amazed, but mike wasn’t fazed, he put some of his fans through a spiritual faze, you could see it in their gaze, you didn’t have to smoke that haze that left you in a maze, one video from mike and you was kool for days. Michael Joseph Jackson, a product of Joe Jackson’s madness, it gave him a lean that made him fabulous, his brothers couldn’t collab with this… talent, some even got violent, every since mike left, their careers went silent. So famous, ancient peoples might have knew his name, thank god I was born in a time when I could see mike take his aim at fame. Mike was more than hype, he brought it every night, but when he preached about owning his art, it caused a spark; Sony tried to botch it, mike said you better watch it, grabbed his crotch and some scotch, then moonwalked off the block and copped it, they couldn’t stop it, mike grabbed the mic, then purposely dropped it; next thing you know some man named Conrad Murray appears as his doctor.