Aurelian Swift

The Endless Void

In the stillness of the night,

I ponder the endlessness of life,

A vast expanse of time and space,

An endless void without a trace.


What is the point of it all?

To rise and fall, to stand and crawl,

To toil and strive with all our might,

For what? To fade into the night?


The stars above, they twinkle bright,

But what do they bring to the endless night?

A fleeting beauty, a moment\'s grace,

In the grand scheme, a mere speck of space.


We spin and spin, without an end,

On this cosmic journey that we attend,

But for what purpose, what grand design,

Is there a plan, or just a cruel sign?


The weight of time, it presses down,

A heavy burden, a constant frown,

A reminder of our fleeting fate,

A hopeless march towards our end date.


And so I sit in somber thought,

The endlessness of life, a burden fraught,

With hopeless feelings, and endless pain,

A void that we can\'t hope to contain.