
Mean for no reason




……Ole head said we closer to death, than being fixed, how we get caught up in this mix, it feels like the universe is playing tricks, and it’s ran by some hicks, spitting chew, and making it stick, that’s sick…  got me ready to shoot like John Wick. I wish we could change the flick, but everybody’s in on it, and won’t let me change the channel, let’s play the piano, then they start talking about the Sopranos, and how Tony caught Fred and made him dead, for being an informant, and now he’s dormant…. That’s what I’m saying, we say we want peace, but if it was a TV show we wouldn’t watch it, stop it; even if it’s Little house on the prairie, we waiting for something scary, a shoot out, hanging, or whatever drama springs, you come running when it rings. We crave violence, and at our core we accepts all challenges, we’ll fight for the last piece of food, even though we have no mouth or teeth to eat, just a old dragon protecting shoes, and we don’t even have feet.