Kinsley Lee

The Devoted Poem for the Soldiers Without Identities

They returned to the hometown after defeat

At the War, but no rank, they were called again,

By the chaotic times. Being selected, to beat

The Communist, They helped to sweep the bane.


For freedom for the Asia, but having no identities,

As not soldiers with rank, but the name of civvies,

They joined the dangerous works but no lenities

Of the bullets, so many no returns to be the casualties.


The mine disposal at the port before

Landing and they guided the road for attacking

Unit, but even their merits at the war

Were been kept the secret and so the sacrificial working.


Therefore, the official notice of the falling

In battle were not delivered to their families,

Seventy years has passed, when ceasing

Fire, but we should praise their honors and sacrifices.