
Wild Desire

I will follow you to the end of time

I can see the fear

In your eyes

The indecision


There has only ever been one person for me


I try to explain with my eyes

You do not receive my messages

Please don\'t block me

I need to know

How you feel

Should I release all or hold back

I fear what your reaction may be

For I am as raging as a sea

As brilliant as a flame

If I release my love to you


Could you handle it

Or would it burn and crumble what we are

And we are what?

I long so desperately to ask

Fear your answer though

I do not want to seem childish

The desire for you though

Is becoming harder and harder to bear

How do I tell you 

I am completely yours

Your wishes are my wishes

Your worries are my worries

I adore you

While you are not my world

You are my sun

The complement to me

The ground to my high

The sweet to my sour

The serious to my crazy

We apply to each other quite beautifully

Oh if only you felt the same

Dear heavens!

Will this boy never see

The fire that burns for him in my soul?

Must he be so blind

To my attraction


To him?

He says I can do better

But he is my better

I do not desire

Any other than him

He is not rude or toxic to me

If only he could see

If only