Mark Tha Phenomenon

Fever Dream

It was supposed to be true love;
I feared our thoughts were one sided,
Was already for a new journey when our bodies collided;
I was fooled,
I gave you true love,
Now I feel so used;
You and I forever,
You told me it was forever,
A mystery unsolved;
Then I knew quickly when another man was involved;
Sneaking to see him as he holds you so tight,
As he continues to please you and you stay all night;
Should\'ve known when you walked around looking hesitant,
Scheming and scamming Should\'ve locked you up for embezzlement--
Couldn’t believe the love i had for a woman, who put up many fronts,
Then it all made sense after the next 9 months--
She left with her new love and newborn son,
With the money she stole, Now their both on the run;
In so much pain as my heart continues to burn,
After five long days, I knew she\'d never return;
She notice one morning and found something strange,
So she went to the doctor to confirm of this change;
Finally getting down to the bottom line,
DNA test shows the baby was mine the whole time.
Our soul was just a fever dream,
Not as real as we may seem,
there was only the dark night;
you never believed
as I bid you goodnight.