Brandon De Nobrega

Tenebrosity ☁

When you\'ve been stuck in one place for too long, 
Even the daytime seems dark. 
Your thoughts clouded in the clouds,  
Waiting to be struck by that spark. 

The cirro which lurketh above, 
hoping that it doesn\'t rain, 
but it was an angelic nimbo, filled with love? 
Just praying to take away all of this pain.  

Did darkness come first, or was it the light?
An answer which we\'ll truly never know. 
But if light is the symbol of joy, power and love; 
Why is the darkness much more powerful in the night? 

Shouldn\'t the light be able to overcome all - or was that all a ruse. 
Everything we\'re told, everything we know, everything we see,
Duplicity in who we are and what we believe;
The right path leads to sadness, 
And the hard path leads to truth, 
But if truth is the result of being hated by all, 
And darkness is the force that goes against God\'s call, 
If light is the path of deceit and death, 
Doesn\'t that mean that darkness is light, and darkness isn\'t dark....
Just blinded by the rays of the lies while clouded by the fog of veracity to protect its essence from the knowledge that it had previously met.

I think I know what came first!
Because light always seems to come and go. 
But darkness is always there for us, 
When we sleep, when we\'re happy, when we\'re alone - it never forsakes us if we choose not follow life\'s normal flow. 

Darkness isn\'t evil, because my morals are right;
I refuse to let another choose my convictions - because what can be right for one can be evil for another.
But I choose my paths carefully, making sure not to let the devil bite.
If you can control the darkness, you can control the world, 
If you can control the darkness, you can control the light.