
Oh To Be

I don’t know what to do

This feeling for you

Consumes me

Tears prick my eyes

You feel like home

All my life I’ve felt broken

Or alone

But with you

It’s those feelings were never there

You don’t let me dwell in my pain

You make me happy

I am so scared to lose you


i love you

The stars and moon

Can testify

I’ve prayed for your name more times than I can count

The heavens could burst with the blessings

I’ve asked for you

I want nothing more


To have you by my side

For the rest of my life

You are my person

You make me feel

In a way

No one has

It’s so potent

So volatile

Yet I can’t step away

Because as soon as I turn

It calls my name

Calls me back to you

I know

No matter what I say

No matter what i do

I could never

Not love you

My chest is going to explode

How do I tell you?

How do I show you?

Will you push me away?

Will this end

Will tears yet again rock me to sleep

I want to tell you

Want you to see

Just how much you mean to me

How much you always will

I will always be by your side

Be your one warrior




I would collect the moon & stars

From above for you

I need a conclusion

I can no longer handle

The unknown

When it comes to you

Do you love me?

Do you not?

Petals fall to the ground

He does

He doesn’t

He does….

I want happy ending

The beautiful love story

Will I get that with you


I crave you in a way

That isn’t just physical

My soul feels connected to yours

In a way that no mere words

Could ever shine light upon

You are the blood to my heart

The oxygen to my breath

The twinkle to my eye

Please don’t hurt me

All I want is to make you happy

The way you make me

Bless your soul

My dear

May the stars and cosmos

Open to you

May you know what you want


It hopefully

Be me

The feeling inside tries to claw itself out

My skin is going to combust

There is no containing it

Yet I hide it still



I am uncertain

Isn’t love supposed to be brave?

Then why aren’t I?

Maybe I will

Maybe I won’t

Whisper those three


Maybe you’ll say it back

Or maybe I’ll hurt

And bleed

Love songs don’t release it

Oh to be loved by you

How would it be?

To feel your arms around me

Your hand in mine

Lips pressed against mine

Words shared between us

Knowing each other

Adoring each other

Could that be a reality

I really want it to

Sweet smiles rise on your face

The softness in your eyes makes my heart beat fast

How comforting it is

To be with you

Sweetheart how I adore you

Truly truly



The sun doesn’t blind me

But you do

Can’t think straight

See straight

Without you


Bless my soul

For I have fallen

Am still falling……

Oh to be loved by you