Frank Moses Phiri

Love: A never ending pain

I hate falling in love, 
It\'s a trap I can\'t escape.
It captures my heart, 
And fills my mind with hate.

I hate the way it makes me feel, 
So vulnerable and weak.
I hate the hold it has on me, 
I can\'t speak.

I hate the way it consumes me, 
Leaves me lost and alone.
I hate the way it changes me, 
Leaves me with a heart of stone.

I hate falling in love, 
It\'s a game I can\'t win.
It tears me apart, 
Leaves me with a heart of sin.

But despite all my hatred, 
I keep falling in love again and again.
It\'s a cycle I can\'t break, 
A never-ending cycle, a never-ending pain.