Chanel T.

Flowers In A Waterless Vase

Flowers In A Waterless Vase. 

For years I have seen the beauty in others. Just like a flower….they were beautiful to look at. 

But the longer they stayed in the waterless vase….their true colors started to show. So I gave more water. I started to notice their colors would mature and blossom more. 

They became more enhanced. More vivid to the eye. I didn’t realize I was giving too much water…..the beauty started to cause more pain and damage….because eventually the steams of the flower would weaken and swell. 

So I stepped back….blaming myself for providing too much water….but I thought that’s what was needed for them to grow. 

Then I realized…..not everything is meant to grow….sometimes things are only meant to last for a season….and you have to let it go. You have to take a step back and cherish the moments of beauty the flowers did give you. Their time has past…and at last you will see the growth of new flowers growing. Just don’t forget the growing process.