
Lunar Lure

Beneath the veil of night,

the moon\'s eerie glow takes flight.

Its luminance, a haunting sight,

casts shadows that evoke fright.


A siren\'s call, it beckons you close,

an enchanting pull, a dangerous dose.

Its dark side cloaked in mystery,

luring you in with a false victory.


Beneath the cloak of silver beams,

lies a world of shattered dreams.

The moon, a mistress so fickle,

will leave you lost in a deadly pickle.


Its waning light, a taunting tease,

its waxing shine, a warning breeze.

For in the depths of the lunar gaze,

a twisted truth is all ablaze.


Beware the moon\'s enchanting call,

its dark power will enthrall.

For in its light, shadows prevail,

a haunting tale that will assail.


So heed my warning, do not be lured,

by the moon\'s hypnotic allure.

For in its grip, your fate is sealed,

a twisted ending that\'s revealed.