
Pomegranate Lips

You have laid down your hand

But I have yet to lay down mine

Even now will not fully lay out my cards

You think you know me I can promise you do not

Someone once said 

\"The truth is everyone is going to hurt you.

You just got to find the ones worth suffering for.\"

I no longer care to suffer for you

Fight for your attention

Want your love and care

I\'m through

Clearly you don\'t care

So neither will I

I\'ll board up this fire

It needs to be put out

Don\'t think I\'ll give you another chance

You don\'t deserve it

Even now I feel blood rushing to my face

That deal we made?


I don\'t want to see you

Talk to you

Think of you

So I\'m purging these feelings

I though I loved you

It\'s funny how our emotions lie to us

Isn\'t it?

Even more funny how we fall for the lies

You fooled me once

Fooled me twice

I\'m not going to give you another time

I feel like such the idiot now

They warned me

Told me to stay away

I didn\'t listen though

Let the ship sail was ringing in my ears

Well now I\'m gonna explode that ship

It never should

Have been repaired in the first place

You don\'t deserve me

That much has become

Incredibly clear

I always thought I was good at pushing people away

But I don\'t hold a candle to you


From now don\'t call me mine

From now I will breathe without you


I will no longer







My heart has frozen over

My flames have been turned up

Good luck getting to me now


Especially since

I don\'t.... really

want anything with you

I am done being hurt

Being tossed aside

Second best

Not enough time

Well that sucks for you

Because I am amazing 

Beautiful, sweet, kind

I am a Goddess

A queen

You just missed your deity

Because she no longer 

Needs you

My fury burns

He** has no wrath like a lover scorned

And I have been scorned

A burning rose

A rotting heart

A deadly vial of tears

Swirls & Swirls & Swirls

Maybe someday I will be able to look at you and not spark

Now there is only inferno

Don\'t touch me

I will pull away

Don\'t smile at me

I will snarl

Don\'t apologize

I will laugh

Hurt me once

Hurt me twice

No longer will I allow you to hurt me as

Much as you want

In the name of love

Leave me

I am purging myself from you

The poison of you has spread

My heart

My mind

My soul

It will take time



Most importantly time

I have been forced to be made patient

So I will wait 

I will change

I won\'t be the doe-eyed girl

Who loved you anymore

I\'m determined to leave her in the dirt

She\'s too soft

She needs a thicker skin

She won\'t make it in this world


Anger is what has to change

Pain is what has to redefine her

Heartbreak is what has to opens her eyes

She has always said she has to be baptized by fire

She wishes she could stay in the waters

Tranquility is not what transforms her

She is a siren

She is otherwordly

Most importantly

I\'m done being last