
Forgiveness Fullness

Tune: Detroit

(\'Forgive our sins as we forgive\')

Psalm 51 v.1-4 and v.11


Have mercy on me, loving-kind

Lord, I do so you find

According to your mercies blot

Out my sins, the whole lot


Forgive me, wash me from my sin

And cleanse me deep within

For I confess my sins, I do

They all be against you


So that you, Lord, are justified

When you speak, none beside

Can cleanse me from my sins, but you

Forgive sins not a few


And too you be clear when judging

Myself I to you bring

Dependent, trusting for mercy

For your restoring free


Create clean heart, O God, in me

And set me steadfastly

To follow you, your Spirit take

Not [from me], but more like Christ make