
Love‘s painful lesson


To love someone who doesn\'t love you back, Is a pain that cuts you deep and leaves a crack. In your heart, in your soul, in your very being, It\'s a wound that hurts, with no sign of healing.

You pour out your heart, your love, your all, But the one you love, won\'t answer your call. They\'re distant, they\'re cold, they\'re out of reach, Leaving you with an ache, that you just can\'t breach.

You wonder why, you wonder how, You wonder what you could do, to make them love you now. You analyze every word, every gesture, every look, Trying to find the key, to unlock the closed book.

But sometimes, love just isn\'t enough, Sometimes, it\'s just not meant to be rough. It hurts to accept, it hurts to let go, But sometimes, it\'s the only way to grow.

For there will be someone, who will love you back, Someone who will see you, and not just the lack. Someone who will cherish you, and hold you tight, Someone who will make everything feel just right.

So don\'t give up, don\'t lose hope, Keep searching, keep looking, keep on the slope. For love will find you, in its own time, And you will know, it was worth the climb.

For to love and not be loved in return, Is a test of strength, a lesson to learn. But to love and be loved, is the greatest gift, A treasure that makes all the hardships lift.