
scars on our soul

Scars on my soul, unseen but felt,

Etched deep by life\'s sharp blows.

A roadmap of pain and struggle,

A story only my heart knows.


Some are jagged, some are smooth,

Some are still raw and sore.

Each one a reminder of a wound,

That I have learned to endure.


The scars of loss, of love betrayed,

Of dreams that fell apart.

The scars of battles fought and won,

And battles still to start.


They whisper tales of a broken heart,

Of tears and sleepless nights.

Of a spirit bruised but never broken,

And a will to keep on the fight.


For scars are not just signs of hurt,

But badges of our strength.

A testament to our resilience,

A tribute to our length.


So I wear my scars with pride,

For they make me who I am.

A survivor, a warrior, a fighter,

With a story that\'s worth a gram.