
How I Feel

“How To Feel”
(Tom Entrican 03/02/2022)
For days I can feel so sad and alone
And sometimes anger can make me explode
The Lord knows that I am unlucky in love
And my mood, it will swing for the reasons above
If comfort you must, beware that I am
Not much for advice or an emotional scan
Maybe my brain is just wired all wrong
But I do not respond well to a tired old song
For shame that I would not wear a big smile
That my mood is as caustic as a mean crocodile.
I do understand your need to appeal
But please do not tell me how I should feel
A relic am I from a time long ago
When boys did not let all their feelings show
“Get on with your life, walk it off” they would say
While I sat in my room just rotting away
If I choose to be sad it is mine, not for you
So it bothers me some when I’m told what to do
I could cry you a river if I knew the song
But please do not tell me that crying is wrong
It is not like I never have a smile on my face
Or have never enjoyed a loving embrace
But should I fall apart, I am not made of steel
Just don’t stand there telling me how to feel
If I don’t like zucchini don’t ask if I’ve tried
And you should know, sometimes a sigh is a sigh
Should I seethe in anger, well that is my way
You should not expect me to just be OK
A perfect world, I assure there is none
And mistakes we have made, yes everyone
So do not give me flack because I seem blue
Just be thankful that I am not yelling at you
Good friendships are few, for me they are rare
So when I have one I treat it with care
And it will last longer if you do not reveal
That you think you know just how I should feel