





……one hundred billion light years is his arm reach, all atmospheres are breached, the floor of the universe only he can reach, he holds it in his hands like a peach, all things in it only he can teach, I don’t mean to preach, but mount Olympus is too small for his feet. If you looking for a god you don’t have to seek, he stands before you, all other gods are meek, if not petite. This Colossus is monstrous; the mere sight of his size induces hypnosis, and fright that ceases all motion, it’s a paralyzing notion; are we too small to be seen by such a being, if every man, woman and child was a single quire could he hear our voices, could his whisper create frequencies and supersonic forces, this vision surely was sent to me by  Morpheus, or my imagination is a contortionist.