
Three Words

Three Words

no where to go 

feeling alone 

nothing to hold 

pure judgements 

from false assumptions

leaving painful moments

Three Words

Am I enough?

quivering hands

sharp demands 

hoping you\'d understand

wanting to die 

trying to feel alive

how can i?

Three Words

Am I enough?

every step i take 

the room start to shake 

trying to start over

but lingering torture

Three Words

Am I enough?

triggering past 

hearts smashed 

a relapse!

quickly apologizing

in the wrong timing 

can be so terrifying 

Three Words

I\'m really sorry

don\'t mean to fight 

don\'t mean to bite

only trying to reunite

that\'s all i can say 

for the rest of the day

for it is so haunting

to do the wrong thing

Five Words

I\'m sorry, I\'m not enough.