cyriac maliakkal



She had drool to make a hush hush monetary  harvest from her mother.
She broached to expel her life,she did cow 
Her mother by adding the late of time.

Her endeavour for a artificial love.
She had dote  on her mother and it was callous.
Spiff love had wistfuly that whole was pretension,it alight all the time 
Her love was only chop her mother\'s life.

She tamed her stubborn mother,that was grim plan oozed out from her stink heart.
Her vagary helped her for all 
Her zest for her mother was perversion.

Her love and care was merely a crouch
She did not even like this drudgery,
Her mother was bane to her.

She exposed her dote with her mother,
That was a veer to make a ditch of demise.
Her blow off was highly and her dote was 

She riddled as her mother is hers honey.
She eyed her coming harvest.

She crumbled her stubborn mother.
By her gesticulated dote and it was veneer.

There made a death at a wink and she
Was on gloat.
Her attempt was sheepish,and her dote was 
Became dote 
Her brazen deeds thus being did let down her
Aims,which met her with fiasco.

Almost her life she performed as banshee;
That stint her to fiasco and her dream 
Became vain