
Fake Smile

Someone asked why I’m always smiling and happy

I smile to hide what’s really happening

I don’t want people to see me as sad or mad because that’s not a good rep to have

Who would want to be friends with someone who is depressed or has too many feelings to express

So I put them away and hide the truth

I want them to see me for a happy person

The one filled with joy and energy

The one who never has tears on her face

That’s the girl I am

The more it hurts the more I laugh

The smile that you say is so nice is only there to cover my tears

And yet I’m not crying I am still begging for help

The help that I need is just a friend

Someone to tell me it’s okay

But is it really okay if it takes this much work to just show the people a perfect girl

Is it really okay if I’m masking the pain

And if I’m not okay, think about the others

Who are doing the same or even hurting eachother

The ones who take out the pain and are vain

So maybe I’m over exaggerating and my pain is not as significant

And when I express my feelings you don’t believe me because there’s no reason to be sad, my life is all that

But deep inside you can’t see

But in our generation we need help to be genuinely happy

I am not the only one who experiences this and I know it is serious

Maybe we need to all be nicer and think of others

It’s hard to do but maybe we just need to start over

Because our world is a place of only bad things no matter how pretty you make it sound

You can put trash in a gift box and call it good

But on the inside it’s rotting and needs to be disposed of and that’s what’s happening within us

But why can’t anyone see

Because we are so blinded by the fake reality