
Cosmic slop 2



…….In the beginning, things kept spinning and spinning, then I realized I was out of my mind, having seizures, trying to wrap my mind around….is it really seven seas sir, please sir, it might as well be outer space with aliens giving chase; in any case, I wish I had mace to spray in our captors face, but they had muskets, we’d get our butts kicked, even though they rust quick, like P.E. said, you can’t trust it; don’t even fuss with, that way you can get in close, and poison their meal; they trying to do damage, make it hard for us to manage, our whole history is frantic, got our leaders in a state of panic, that’s why we went down like the titanic. Got us in a box next to tools and fools, just waiting to be used, abused and confused. Sucka move; this ain’t kool, I’m not a tool, I’m not meant to be ruled and my kids should be in school, and if I have to fight a duel I’ll make you scream like a mule, knock you in the head like I did that dude when I was playing pool. You think you nice wit it, I’m triff wit it, I get in fights wit it, I ignite wit it, cause fright wit it, I’m tight wit it, keep watching and you’ll see me take flight wit it.