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Tune: Breslau

(\'Take up thy cross, the Saviour said\')

Matthew 4 v.5-7


The devil took Jesus up to

The holy city, there to do

His tempting, from pinnacle high

Of temple, Jump, you will not die


For God shall His angels charge give

If you be Son of God, shall live

If you cast yourself down from here

His saving angles shall appear


God shall give charge to keep you when

You leap aloft, and no harm then

Shall come to you, angels shall bear

You in their hands, no have no care


For if worrying if you harm

Yourself on e\'en one stone, be calm

For God\'s angels shall protect you

Now this spectacular feat do


But Jesus said, It is also

Written, and I this Scripture know

That you shall not tempt, test the Lord

Your God, nor twist nor turn His word